New Dagger Cloud Pricing: Free for Individuals, Flat Rate for Teams
February 12, 2024
Feb 12, 2024
Since we released Dagger Cloud in early access last fall, many of you have told us about how you use it, what you like best, and what could be improved. We are grateful for this invaluable feedback, and today we are acting on it with two new pricing plans: a flat-rate plan for teams, and a free plan for individuals.
If you're already a paying customer, there is no urgent action needed. You are still on the original plan, at the original price. We will contact you directly with details on how to take advantage of the new pricing.
Flat-rate plan for teams
The typical Dagger Cloud customer is a software team looking to integrate Dagger into their existing CI. By connecting all their Dagger Engines to a centralized control plane, they can collect and visualize telemetry about their pipelines; orchestrate the distribution of cache data; and feed Dagger-specific insights back into their source control.
Since Dagger Cloud integrates into your existing CI system to make it more valuable, it seemed logical to price it just like most CI products: per minute of pipeline runtime. As it turns out, we were wrong. You have consistently told us that you would prefer a simpler and more predictable monthly subscription.
Enter the new Dagger Cloud Team Plan: a flat $50 per month for up to 10 users, with a two-week free trial to start.
Free Plan for Individuals
When we built Dagger Cloud, we focused on the needs of one specific group: medium-to-large teams integrating Dagger into their CI. We didn’t expect the rest of our community - students, hobbyists, researchers, open-source maintainers - to need anything more than our open-source engine. Wrong again! It turns out that visualizing your pipelines in a web interface is always fun and useful, no matter what you use Dagger for.
Everything Dagger has achieved so far, we owe to our amazing community of Daggernauts. We know that many of you can’t justify the cost of a Team Plan for a personal project. So we decided to make pipeline visualization free for individuals, starting today.
Our goal is to make Dagger Cloud a valuable tool for every single Daggernaut, regardless of use case or budget. We encourage you to sign up today! We have many improvements planned, and we look forward to sharing them with all of you.
Thank you all, and happy hacking!
Since we released Dagger Cloud in early access last fall, many of you have told us about how you use it, what you like best, and what could be improved. We are grateful for this invaluable feedback, and today we are acting on it with two new pricing plans: a flat-rate plan for teams, and a free plan for individuals.
If you're already a paying customer, there is no urgent action needed. You are still on the original plan, at the original price. We will contact you directly with details on how to take advantage of the new pricing.
Flat-rate plan for teams
The typical Dagger Cloud customer is a software team looking to integrate Dagger into their existing CI. By connecting all their Dagger Engines to a centralized control plane, they can collect and visualize telemetry about their pipelines; orchestrate the distribution of cache data; and feed Dagger-specific insights back into their source control.
Since Dagger Cloud integrates into your existing CI system to make it more valuable, it seemed logical to price it just like most CI products: per minute of pipeline runtime. As it turns out, we were wrong. You have consistently told us that you would prefer a simpler and more predictable monthly subscription.
Enter the new Dagger Cloud Team Plan: a flat $50 per month for up to 10 users, with a two-week free trial to start.
Free Plan for Individuals
When we built Dagger Cloud, we focused on the needs of one specific group: medium-to-large teams integrating Dagger into their CI. We didn’t expect the rest of our community - students, hobbyists, researchers, open-source maintainers - to need anything more than our open-source engine. Wrong again! It turns out that visualizing your pipelines in a web interface is always fun and useful, no matter what you use Dagger for.
Everything Dagger has achieved so far, we owe to our amazing community of Daggernauts. We know that many of you can’t justify the cost of a Team Plan for a personal project. So we decided to make pipeline visualization free for individuals, starting today.
Our goal is to make Dagger Cloud a valuable tool for every single Daggernaut, regardless of use case or budget. We encourage you to sign up today! We have many improvements planned, and we look forward to sharing them with all of you.
Thank you all, and happy hacking!
Since we released Dagger Cloud in early access last fall, many of you have told us about how you use it, what you like best, and what could be improved. We are grateful for this invaluable feedback, and today we are acting on it with two new pricing plans: a flat-rate plan for teams, and a free plan for individuals.
If you're already a paying customer, there is no urgent action needed. You are still on the original plan, at the original price. We will contact you directly with details on how to take advantage of the new pricing.
Flat-rate plan for teams
The typical Dagger Cloud customer is a software team looking to integrate Dagger into their existing CI. By connecting all their Dagger Engines to a centralized control plane, they can collect and visualize telemetry about their pipelines; orchestrate the distribution of cache data; and feed Dagger-specific insights back into their source control.
Since Dagger Cloud integrates into your existing CI system to make it more valuable, it seemed logical to price it just like most CI products: per minute of pipeline runtime. As it turns out, we were wrong. You have consistently told us that you would prefer a simpler and more predictable monthly subscription.
Enter the new Dagger Cloud Team Plan: a flat $50 per month for up to 10 users, with a two-week free trial to start.
Free Plan for Individuals
When we built Dagger Cloud, we focused on the needs of one specific group: medium-to-large teams integrating Dagger into their CI. We didn’t expect the rest of our community - students, hobbyists, researchers, open-source maintainers - to need anything more than our open-source engine. Wrong again! It turns out that visualizing your pipelines in a web interface is always fun and useful, no matter what you use Dagger for.
Everything Dagger has achieved so far, we owe to our amazing community of Daggernauts. We know that many of you can’t justify the cost of a Team Plan for a personal project. So we decided to make pipeline visualization free for individuals, starting today.
Our goal is to make Dagger Cloud a valuable tool for every single Daggernaut, regardless of use case or budget. We encourage you to sign up today! We have many improvements planned, and we look forward to sharing them with all of you.
Thank you all, and happy hacking!