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Meet the Dagger Commanders

Who Are Dagger Commanders?

Who Are Dagger Commanders?

Who Are Dagger Commanders?

Once a year, we select a small group of Daggernauts to represent Dagger in other communities, build bridges between the Dagger team and all Daggernauts, and lead by example in our own community.

In “Star Trek,” the title of Commander is given to highly skilled officers who not only excel in their duties but also lead by example, guiding their crew and making critical decisions that shape the future of their missions. They are trusted leaders and advisors and strong advocates for the values of the Federation. We think this captures the spirit of this program perfectly. Dagger Commanders are not only Dagger experts: they lead, support and inspire others. They will play a pivotal role in advancing our shared goals. Just like in Star Trek, they are the backbone of our mission, and with their help we will explore many new frontiers together.

Commander Perks

Commander Perks

Commander Perks

Visibility and Recognition

Visibility and Recognition

Visibility and Recognition

Commanders are recognized as Dagger experts and pioneers in the tech community with a special role on Discord, and gain access to exclusive events

One-of-a-kind Dagger Swag

One-of-a-kind Dagger Swag

One-of-a-kind Dagger Swag

Commanders get our iconic Commander jackets and the custom patch for each Commander batch year

Amplify Budget

Amplify Budget

Amplify Budget

Dagger supports Commanders who speak at external events, covering eligible expenses and providing other logistical support where appropriate

Access and Influence

Access and Influence

Commanders are integrated into the release process with the ability to provide early feedback before releases are out, and join periodic calls with the Dagger team to discuss roadmaps and provide feedback

Commander Requirements

Commander Requirements

Commander Requirements

  • Highly knowledgeable about Dagger - recognized expertise in the Dagger tech and able to articulate the benefits and vision behind Dagger

  • Have built an open-source module, Daggerized an open-source project, and/or is an active user of Dagger within their organization

  • Technical and direct in tone, not "salesy"

  • Do not come across to other community members as pushing another product, service offering, or agenda

  • Regularly produce technical content for the community such as presenting on community calls or contributing a blog post (at least once every six months)

  • Represent Dagger at public events such as meetups or industry events (at least once every six months)

  • Actively help other Daggernauts on public forums

  • Provide feedback on Dagger features and releases

  • Be a model Daggernaut: respect our code of conduct, especially when critical of Dagger or defending Dagger against others' criticism; remain respectful, constructive, and fair

  • Highly knowledgeable about Dagger - recognized expertise in the Dagger tech and able to articulate the benefits and vision behind Dagger

  • Have built an open-source module, Daggerized an open-source project, and/or is an active user of Dagger within their organization

  • Technical and direct in tone, not "salesy"

  • Do not come across to other community members as pushing another product, service offering, or agenda

  • Regularly produce technical content for the community such as presenting on community calls or contributing a blog post (at least once every six months)

  • Represent Dagger at public events such as meetups or industry events (at least once every six months)

  • Actively help other Daggernauts on public forums

  • Provide feedback on Dagger features and releases

  • Be a model Daggernaut: respect our code of conduct, especially when critical of Dagger or defending Dagger against others' criticism; remain respectful, constructive, and fair

How it works

How it works

How it works

Commanders are selected for 12 month rotations, or “batches”.
To nominate someone for the 2025 batch, fill out the form below! (Yes, you can nominate yourself)

Meet our 2024 Dagger Commanders

Meet our 2024 Dagger Commanders

Learn more about each of our Commanders here, or say hi to them on Discord.

Ali Akca

Freelancer / Consultant

What excites you most about Dagger?

"The flexibility and modules"

Discord Handle: .aweris

Diego Ciangottini

Technologist, INFN

What excites you most about Dagger?

"Dagger provides reproducibility for DAGs. In the science field, we work with many DAGs, and we love having our workflows be reproducible everywhere."

Discord Handle: dciangot

Paul Dragoonis

CTO, ByteHire

What excites you most about Dagger?

"Being part of a team with the same mission and goals in the CI/CD space"

Discord handle: pauldragoonis

Peter Jausovec

Senior Principal Platform Advocate,

What excites you most about Dagger?

"The ability to write the CI/CD workflows as Dagger functions and test & run them locally."

Discord Handle: .peterj

Patrick Magee

Engineeering Lead, LexisNexis Risk Solutions

What excites you most about Dagger?

"Treating CI/CD like most software that people develop that can run anywhere, not a locked proprietary platform with their own DSL"

Discord Handle: delegate_

Nipuna Perera

Director of Cloud Engineering, Fidelity Investments

What excites you most about Dagger?

"The team behind Dagger. The engineers
working on maintaining Dagger are some of the smartest and most talented folks I’ve come across. It’s very exciting to be working in OSS with such individuals."

Discord Handle: mangocrysis

Emmanuel Sibanda

Founder, Software Engineer, AdAlchemyAI

What excites you most about Dagger?

"Being able to run a Dagger pipeline from anywhere"

Discord handle: emmzw

Batuhan Apaydın

Platform Engineer, Trendyol

What excites you most about Dagger?

"Writing code to design CI/CD pipelines feels amazing!"

Discord Handle: developerguy

Thanabodee Charoenpiriyakij

Software Engineer, LINE Company

What excites you most about Dagger?

"The first one is Terminal UI (TUI) - you can move the cursor, focus and increase/decrease verbosity to spot your problems. The second is the interactive terminal, where you can intercept your pipeline or popup the terminal to debug your pipeline. It's super useful when the pipeline has something wrong, such as misconfiguration, connection problems, etc."

Discord Handle: wingyplus

Kasper Juul Hermansen

Platform Engineer, Lunar

What excites you most about Dagger?

Programmatic pipelines and deployments on top of Docker enables a host of possibilities that have been out of reach before Dagger. Being able to treat pipelines as artifacts has enabled us to develop our pipelines into a high quality product built on strong engineering principles. I am excited for these possibilities to expand, and the community becoming more aware of the capabilities, at the same time lowering the barrier to entry for building dagger pipelines and modules.

Discord Handle: kjuulh

Márk Sági-Kazár

Cloud Native Ambassador

What excites you most about Dagger?

"For the past ten years, I've continuously researched ways to improve developer productivity and efficiency. I can honestly say that Dagger is the next step in the evolution of building and shipping software."

Discord handle: sagikazarmark

Kambui Nurse

Staff Engineer - Innovation, Marsh McLennan

What excites you most about Dagger?

"I'm most excited about pairing Dagger with AI applications and agentic workflows."

Discord handle: siafu7795

Nuno Ribeiro

DevOps Engineer, Cleva Solutions

What excites you most about Dagger?

"Running pipelines as code, and of course, no more Push and Pray!

When you have the chance to write your pipelines in your favorite programming language, it makes the pipelines more readable, easier to understand, and takes away the complexity of those messy and complex scripts. "

Discord Handle: nfr_ribeiro

Jean-Christophe Sirot

Staff Engineer, Decathlon

What excites you most about Dagger?

"For me, Dagger addresses common issues encountered when designing workflows: CI/CD pipeline development is time-consuming and complex to test. By allowing development teams to use a programming language that they are familiar with, Dagger significantly simplifies this process.

Additionally, Dagger eliminates the need for workflow description syntaxes, often in YAML and specific to each platform, by offering a multi-language and platform-independent solution."

Discord Handle: jice_

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Discover what our community is doing, and join the conversation on Discord & GitHub to help shape the evolution of Dagger.

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Get Involved With the community

Discover what our community is doing, and join the conversation on Discord & GitHub to help shape the evolution of Dagger.

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