Adopting Dagger
Prepare for your Adventure 🧑🚀
First, pick the right pipeline
Pick a pipeline that suffers from a hair-on-fire problem that Daggerizing can solve. Can't run locally? Super slow? Needs to be improved but everyone's afraid to change it?
The Pipeline is not so complicated that it's unlikely you can Daggerize it with a few hours of work.
You are deeply familiar with the project and elements of the pipeline.
Next, choose a language
Pick the language most of your app is written in,
hopefully, one you know well
Python, Go, or Typescript are fully supported by Dagger and are your best bet to start with
Check out some resources
Go through our Hands-on-Lab 101
Coming soon…
Step by Step guide to daggerizing 🚀
Pick a YAML step to replace with a Dagger Function.
Create a Dagger module and add your first Dagger Function
Replace more YAML steps with more Dagger Functions
Construct the pipeline by composing the Dagger Functions you've created to produce the desired resultsRun and test your pipeline locally
Visualize your pipeline using Dagger Cloud
Get started with Dagger!
Go through our Hands-on-Lab 101
Coming soon…